SPYCLIP2.1 - March 14,1995 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What is it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SpyClipboard2.1 copies the current text contents of the clipboard to a second monitor. It is a windows 3.1 application written in VC++1.5. It installs itself on the clipboard chain. Is it Shareware or Freeware? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please drop me a line to say hello if you use this. Who am I? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jay Russo Sunrise Computer Consulting Compuserve Account Address: 75711,566 Internet Account Address: jrellis@ix.netcom.com Birth of an Idea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I had an extra monochrome monitor from an earlier computer setup. I use SpyClipboard with my new computer. All I had to do was take out the old monochrome card from the old computer and stick it in a slot in the new computer. Before this, I wrote a TSR to run in DOS that copies the current page on the vga monitor to the monochrome monitor. It is called Pagepop and is still available. I am considering what to do for Windows NT. Problems? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no problem running the computer with two monitors as long as you make sure that you are not reallocating B000-B0FF to UMBs. Otherwise you have to exclude this region in the config.sys file when you load the extended memory manager, for example: device = EMM386 x=B000-B0FF. Or if you plan to use extended monochrome mode of 132 columns by 43 rows, the region would be: device=EMM386 x=B000-B2C6 Sometimes though the monochrome card won’t work at all unless you exclude the whole region: device=EMM386 x=B000-B800 Also, in the system.ini file you must add this line to the [386Enh] section: EMMEXCLUDE=B000-B0FF or in the case of the extended mode EMMEXCLUDE=B000-B2C6 you will probably not need to add DualDisplay=Yes because that would exclude the whole region b000-b800. That is usually not necessary, but you may have to try it. Enhancements since version 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, the enhancements are everything, version 1 just copied the clipboard to the second monitor. Basically, it worked and was much smaller. What follows are a list of features of version 2.1: 1. SpyClipboard can accommodate the higher resolution 132 columns by 43 rows that is supplied with the boca dual graphics adapter card. This added an .ini file to the Windows directory. Unfortunately, the boca dual graphics adapter card has been discontinued. If you find an extra one, please let me know. 2. It no longer crashes when large amounts of data are transferred to the clipboard. 3. This online help. 4. Memory leaks were plugged up. 5. Words are no longer split at the end of lines. 6. Functional buttons on the toolbar are spaced differently for video drivers 7. Accelerator keys for single copies and erases, install and uninstall, and paging 8. Paging up and down. 9. Single line scrolling up and down. 10. Go to end of clipboard with last page 11. Remembers last position and size of window in .ini file 12. Menu option added to Mode Menu item that will minimize or not minimize spyclipboard after single copy or erases. 13. Check and unchecked menu choices for active modes 14. Fixed tab alignment and added dialog box to change tab setting. 15. Menu option adds to Mode Menu item for dialog box for tab expansion changes. 16. Line and Page and Column status is displayed in the document window. I mean I didn’t know what else to do with the window. After all, I had made it an MDI application and felt bad enough. 17. Exit has an accelerator key - Esc 18. More Paging features, like scrolling the screen horizontally by column, with arrows. 19. Ability to turn word wrap on and off to allow left and right shifts. 20. Go to first and last column.